Oxygen and natural gas are naturally odour free and therefore, in the event of a leak, often remain undetected. Since both gases are highly flammable, undetected leaks can often result in serious and often fatal fires and explosions. By adding odorants to oxygen (Di-Methyl Sulphide) and natural gas (Mercaptan) supplies, leaks can be detected well before concentrations reach levels at which they could ignite. Paladon Systems oxygen and natural gas odourisers are supplied as turn-key and fully tested systems, and therefore installation is quick, simple and inexpensive. In addition, Paladon Systems service technicians are available to assist with all aspects of installation and commissioning.
Addition of odour to oxygen lines and natural gas pipelines.
Operating Ranges
Oxygen line pressures up to 290 psig
Oxygen line diameters up to 2″
Natural gas pipeline pressures up to 1480 psig
Natural gas pipeline diameters up to 56″
Key Features & Benefits
Oxygen Odourisers
Only odouriser manufacturer approved for use in the UK by the Health & Safety Executive
Significantly reduced likelihood of ignition resulting in serious injury or death
Reduce oxygen usage and operating costs
Natural Gas Odourisers
Significantly reduced likelihood of explosion resulting in serious injury or death